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Barium nitrate crystals
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Barium nitrate crystals

Main features


  • Transparency range from 350 nm to 1800 nm
  • Raman frequency shift of 1048 cm-1
  • Excellent Raman shifter for nanosecond applications
  • Custom crystal dimensions, and coatings available upon request


Application examples


  • External cavity Raman laser pumped by commercially available passively Q-switched nanosecond Nd:YAG laser
  • Generation of 1,59 "eye-safe" radiation, which coincides with CO2 absorption line
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  • Description
  • Properties
  • Standard specifications

Barium nitrate (Ba(NO3)2) is one of the leading crystals among solid-state Raman shifters in terms of Raman gain coefficient, which is known to be the highest at nanosecond steady-state regime (gR = 47 cm/GW@532 nm pump). Barium nitrate also features a moderately broad transparency range (0,33-1,8 μm) and high damage threshold. Drawbacks of barium nitrate crystal are low thermal conductivity (1,17 Wm-1K-1) and high electro-optic coefficient (dn/dT = -20 × 10-6K-1), which lead to the thermal lensing effect. The crystal is soft and hygroscopic, therefore should be treated with caution. 4Lasers recommend using barium nitrate as a Raman shifter for nanosecond applications. Minimum order quantity: 2 pieces of standard elements.

Physical and optical properties
Chemical formula  Ba(No3)2
Crystal structure Cubic, P213
Lattice parameters a = b = c = 8,11 Å
Density 3,25 g/cm3
Mohs hardness 2,5-3
Transparency range 0,33-1,8 μm
Refractive index  1,555@1064 nm
Thermal conductivity 1,17 Wm-1K-1@||c
Thermal expansion coefficient 13 × 10-6 1oC-1
dn/dT -20 × 10-6 K-1
Raman frequency shift 1047 cm-1
Raman linewidth 0,4 cm-1
Raman gain (ns, steady-state regime) 47 cm/GW@532 nm
11 cm/GW@1064 nm
Dephasing time 28 ps
Barium nitrate crystals
Orientation [110]
Clear aperture >85%
Face dimensions tolerance ±0,5 mm
Length tolerance ±1 mm
Parallelism error <5 arcmin
Perpendicularity error <10 arcmin
Protective chamfers <0,25 mm at 45˚
Surface quality 40-20 S-D
Surface flatness <λ/4@632,8 nm
Coatings AR@500-700 nm
Laser-induced damage threshold >10 J/cm2@1064 nm, 10 ns
Mount Unmounted
Order your item
Face dimensions Length Coatings SKU PRICE QUANTITY
5x5 mm
15 mm
AR/AR@500-700 nm
5x5 mm
30 mm
AR/AR@500-700 nm
5x5 mm
45 mm
AR/AR@500-700 nm
8x8 mm
75 mm
AR/AR@500-700 nm