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AgGaSe2 crystals
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AgGaSe2 crystals

Main features


  • Excellent properties across the transmission range from 0,73 to 18 µm
  • Low optical absorption and scattering
  • High FOM (figure of merit) for non-linear interactions in NIR and MIR


Application examples


  • Frequency mixing in the IR region from 4,0 to 18,3 µm
  • Second harmonic generation and up-conversion for CO2 lasers
  • Tunable OPO for solid-state lasers with efficiency up to 10%
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  • Description
  • Properties
  • Standard specifications
  • References

Silver gallium selenide (AgGaSe2, AGSe) is an optically negative uniaxial crystal with a reasonable transmittance over roughly 0,7 μm - 18 μm region. AGSe crystals have proven to be used in nonlinear parametric downconversion (difference frequency generation, DGF) in the Mid-IR range by tandem with commercially available synchronously-pumped optical parametric oscillators (SPOPOs) in the femtosecond and picosecond regime. AGSe crystal has one of the highest figure of merits (~70 pm2/V2) from commercially available mid-IR nonlinear crystals, which is six times larger than counterpart AGS. For some particular reasons AGSe is also a better choice over other mid-IR crystals. For example, even though GaSe has higher nonlinearity and comparable transparency region, AGSe has lower spatial walk-off and availability to be processed for particular application (growth and cut direction, dielectric thin-film coatings). ZGP has higher figure of merit, but its transparency region (~2-12 μm) is no match to AGSe.

Physical and optical properties
Chemical formula AgGaSe2
Crystal structure Tetragonal, 42m
Lattice parameters a= 5,9920 Å, c= 10,8803 Å
Optical symmetry Negative uniaxial (n> ne, λ < 804 nm ne > no)
Density 5,7 g/cm3
Mohs hardness 3-3,5
Transparency range 0,71 - 19 µm @“0“ transmittance level
Sellmeier equations @T=293 K (λ in μm) no2=6,8507 + 0,4297/(λ2 - 0,1584) - 0,00125 λ2;
ne2= 6,6792 + 0,4598/(λ2 - 0,2122) - 0,00126 λ2
Refractive indices no = 2,5917; ne = 2,5585 @10,5 µm
Thermal conductivity @T = 293 K 1 (||c) Wm-1K-1, 1,1 (⊥c) Wm-1K-1
Laser induced damage threshold >10 MW/cm2@10,6 μm, 150 ns
AgGaSe2 crystals
Orientation accuracy <30 arcmin
Clear aperture >80%
Face dimensions tolerance +0,0/-0,2 mm
Parallelism error <30 arcsec
Perpendicularity error <10 arcmin
Protective chamfers <0,2 mm at 45°
Surface quality 60-40 S-D
Coatings BBAR/BBAR@1,7-2,7 µm/5-18 µm
Mount Unmounted
Order your item
Face dimensions Length Theta Phi Coatings Application SKU PRICE QUANTITY
5x5 mm
10 mm
BBAR@1,7-2,7 μm/BBAR@5-18 μm
Ultrashort pulse DFG@1,7-2,7 μm -> ~5-18 μm, type I
5x5 mm
2 mm
BBAR@1,7-2,7 μm/BBAR@5-18 μm
Ultrashort pulse DFG@1,7-2,7 μm -> ~5-18 μm, type I
5x5 mm
5 mm
BBAR@1,7-2,7 μm/BBAR@5-18 μm
Ultrashort pulse DFG@1,7-2,7 μm -> ~5-18 μm, type I