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Cr:LiSAF crystals
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Cr:LiSAF crystals

Main features


  • Broad absorption and emission bands
  • Nonlinear refractive index is about four times lower than that of Ti:Sapphire
  • Custom crystals available upon request


Application examples


  • Femtosecond lasers and CPA laser systems
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  • Description
  • Properties
  • Absorption and emission curves
  • Standard specifications

Cr3+:LiSAF gain medium possesses a broad emission band in the near-infrared that allows a widely tunable laser operation and generation of ~10 fs light pulses via mode-locking technique. Cr:LiSAF crystals can be grown with a very low loss level (<0,2%/cm). It enables to construct of high-Q-cavities, resulting in lasing thresholds as low as 2 mW and slope efficiencies above 50%. 

Moreover, the nonlinear refractive index of Cr:LiSAF is about four times lower than that of Ti:Sapphire, which reduces parasitic nonlinearities in the ultrashort pulse generation and amplification applications.

Spectroscopic and thermo-mechanical properties
Absorption peak wavelength 670 nm
Absorption cross-section at peak 5,5 × 10-20 cm2
Absorption bandwidth at a peak wavelength ~100 nm
Laser wavelength 830 (780-920) nm
Lifetime of 4T2 energy level 67 μs
Emission cross-section 5 × 10-20 cm2
Refractive index 1,41
Crystal structure trigonal
Density 3,45 kg/cm3
Mohs hardness 4
Thermal conductivity 4,6 (||a), 5,1 (||c) Wm-1K-1
dn/dT -4,2 × 10-6 K-1 (no), -4,6 × 10-6 K-1 (ne)
Thermal expansion coefficient 22 × 10-6 (||a) K-1, 3,6 × 10-6 (||c) K-1
Typical doping level 0,8-3 at.%

Cr:LiSAF crystals
Orientation a-cut
Clear aperture >90%
Face dimensions tolerance +0,0/-0,1 mm
Length tolerance ±0,1 mm
Parallelism error <20 arcsec
Perpendicularity error <10 arcmin
Protective chamfers <0,1 mm at 45˚
Surface quality 10-5 S-D
Surface flatness <λ/10@632,8 nm
Coatings AR(R<1%)@670 nm + AR(R<0,5%)@700-1100 nm on both faces
Laser induced damage threshold >10 J/cm2@1064 nm, 10 ns
Mount Unmounted
Order your item
Face dimensions Length End faces Doping Coatings SKU PRICE QUANTITY
5x5 mm
12 mm
Right-angle cut
AR/AR@670 nm + 700-1100 nm
5x5 mm
12 mm
Brewster cut
770 €